Living Consciously

It’s ironic that the words conscious and unconscious typically refer to physical responsiveness or unresponsiveness in medical, diagnostic terminology.  Yet, it is difficult to truly understand consciousness without understanding something about the vibrational/energetic quantum fields that constitute our realities.

Way beyond the biological and chemical explanations of body functioning via atoms and molecules (as in the traditional mechanistic viewpoint), is the quantum world of existence.  This system consists of tiny, unstable packets of energy- like quanta, quarks and others.  Not having any specific location, besides within themselves, they exist universally, all at the same time, hence terms like subtle and non-local are used to describe their existence. They may be particles or waves of light, having electromagnetic properties and function inter and intra-connectedly.  These subtle, yet powerful forces govern existence in its myriad forms of manifestation.  Not totally understood, therefore not easily explained but words like vibes (vibrations), coherence, resonance are associated with them.  They are not readily observed by the naked eye but are felt or ‘known’ intuitively.  Their properties disappear from the scientific observer under controlled studies, under varying conditions, after any given measurement is taken.

Consciousness may be the conductor of this quantic force that coordinates and orchestrates life’s symphony.  Perhaps, being unconscious is ignorance or non-acceptance of this underlying tenet.