Could your energy fields affect your genes?

We’re constantly barraged with TV ads trying to convince us that determining our ancestry DNA with commercial gene-determination kits, gives us power, peace of mind and possibly a better mindset.  Alongside this promotion, is a similar promotion by physicians in terms of very specialized tests to determine your propensity towards specific diseases via genetic studies.  This exercise often leads to unsavoury surgeries and so-called proactive treatments that are sometimes detrimental.

However, there’s a missing piece of the puzzle that’s not being promoted with the same enthusiasm because it’s called self-responsibility and there’s no money to be made from it, except for the richness of health.

Each and every cell in our body vibrates and communicates within specific frequency ranges appropriate for a specific organ, tissue or system. It appears that what we call resonant frequency is the ‘force’ that is the ‘keeper’ of that information, in terms of form and functionality.  This vibrational/energetic memory may include, for instance, the entire history of a specific organ and this memory can easily be transferred inter-generationally.  Might this be the manifestations that we call ‘inherited genes’?  If so, then it stands to reason that we could alter these manifestations for future generations.