Blending knowledge

You may not have known that different aspects of Energy Medicine have been employed by Conventional Medicine for decades.  Since the 1980s, simpler biomagnetic technologies were used to improve the diagnostic capabilities of EEGs and magnetoencephalography was utilized for enhanced accuracy of MRIs. As a fundamental aspect of physics,...

Vibrational communication

We know that each cell vibrates and communicates via quanta between our inter and intra-cellular matrices. It seems, therefore, that our very ‘beingness’, beneath the physical expression of ourselves, acts both as a transmitter and receiver of quantum forces.  It has been established that this communication extends beyond our...

Living Consciously

It’s ironic that the words conscious and unconscious typically refer to physical responsiveness or unresponsiveness in medical, diagnostic terminology.  Yet, it is difficult to truly understand consciousness without understanding something about the vibrational/energetic quantum fields that constitute our realities. Way beyond the biological and chemical explanations of body functioning...

Electrosmog’s deleterious effects

Technology has certainly improved our lives in many ways, including diagnostic capabilities and everyday conveniences.  By the same token, stress levels and related compounded disease states have seen sharp increases.  This includes metabolic and mental/psychological disorders.  The impending overstimulation from electro-smog is believed to be at the root of...