Living Consciously

It’s ironic that the words conscious and unconscious typically refer to physical responsiveness or unresponsiveness in medical, diagnostic terminology.  Yet, it is difficult to truly understand consciousness without understanding something about the vibrational/energetic quantum fields that constitute our realities. Way beyond the biological and chemical explanations of body functioning via atoms and molecules (as in […]

Becoming aware

There is more to Vibrational health than meditation, prayer, visualized goals, intention or attempts to apply The Law of Attraction etc.  The vibration level that we’re supposed to be seeking is much more than a specific frequency but a collection of different frequencies in all aspects of one’s being.  We’ve all had different, unique and very […]

The reckoning

  As we evolve from the Information Age and merge into the Age of Intuition, we realize that it is one of conscious awareness.  It seems to have taken too long to recognize that we are imminently much more than a physical human… a tenet that Eastern philosophies have espoused for centuries. Instead of an […]