There are coaches for every perceived client ‘need’ or intentional advertisement-driven ‘deficiency’. The latter format often instils feelings of inadequacy – that we will never be good enough without their help to save us from self-destruction! It could also stimulate the tendency to look for excuses, as in finding people and circumstances to blame – which could potentially become an avoidance tactic for self-responsibility. Nonetheless, seeking knowledge and/or therapy to gain a better understanding of one’s self, as it pertains to how and why one functions or behaves in particular ways, is commendable. From another perspective though, as vibrational beings first and foremost, we are perfect, divine beings at the core level. This recognition has the potential of offering much help and hope to individuals who seek better clarity. Should we place more emphasis on our energetic/vibrational needs, we come to know our true nature and live our lives accordingly. Understanding that each of the 8 core disempowering emotions carries an electromagnetic frequency, is connected to, and will manifest certain symptoms in specific parts of the body, is enlightening to most clients. To become aware of this, and to practice the associated exercises that relieve the impending stress, is one key that opens a new doorway to self-help.
Vibrational coherence-coaching takes most generalities out of the equation. Identifying the client’s emotional area(s) of vibrational discordance allows for a more holistic approach to coaching because it neither demands nor focuses on changing the client, per se. Instead, it offers informative correlations from a vibrational and neuroscientific perspective. Considering that each and every thought and feeling carries with it, a vibrational signature, it stands to reason that with consistently low vibratory levels in the emotional realm, physical health will inevitably be negatively impacted. There is also a direct relationship between the free-flow (or blockage) of energy between the chakras (our energy vortices) and subsequently, outwardly to our auric fields, then ultimately to the ways in which we project ourselves into the world. The intentional focus on alleviating vibrational discord, yields more comprehensive information, and a better understanding from improved awareness, and subsequently, better outcomes. In a state of electromagnetic coherence, alignment is enabled, and the client becomes more mindful and can immobilize aberrant habits more easily. As a result, one’s core values are more readily determined, and an electromagnetic attraction (resonance) to visualized intentions ensues, both in business and personal relationships. Goal-achievements from the newly-gained confidence translates into a sense of fulfilment, awe and purpose. Dreams that seemed untenable before, suddenly appear to be acquired with ease and grace!
I am quite passionate about achieving MID-LIFE RESURGENCES for women whose lives are at a standstill or those harbouring thoughts of being ‘over-the-hill’
It was my understanding of these principles that enabled me to gain incremental strength during the grieving process – after losing my mother and husband a year apart. The unexpected outcome was that I realized a lifelong dream of becoming an Author – publishing my first collection of inspirational poetry… along with the realization that it was time to step into a bolder version of myself… and into a new chapter of service!
I offer individual sessions as well as packages.